Will & Power of Attorney

Our objective is to educate the public on the importance of drafting a Will and Power of Attorneys, while they still have testamentary capacity. We spend our lifetime building our assets and investments, so why not draft a document to protect all that hard work for the future generation. What is a Will? […]
Walking Out of an Agreement of Purchase and Sale prior to Closing

So, you’ve entered into one of the biggest contracts you will ever into, but you’re having cold feet. What really happens? Whether you are the Purchaser or Seller in the Agreement of Purchase and Sale (“APS”), you are bound by the agreement. This means that whether you decide you love your home after all or […]
Matrimonial Properties v. Investment Properties & Spousal Consent

In Ontario and perhaps much of the rest of Canada, it must be distinguished who habitually resides in the property. Essentially what is being asked is whether the property is housing a married couple or being used as an investment property for a person who is married. Those are two very different situations. In the […]
Land Transfer Tax – First Time Home Buyers

Buying real estate is probably one of the biggest and most daunting purchases in your lifetime. The government wants to encourage people to buy real estate in the country and as a provincial incentive, you can qualify for a First-Time Home buyer rebate off the Land Transfer Tax payment. What is Land Transfer Tax? […]
Foreign Buyers and Sellers and Tax Implications in Ontario

Moving to a new country can be quite stressful. Whether you have made the plunge for work or leisure, here is what you need to know prior to purchasing real estate here in Ontario, Canada. Ontario, Canada has become one of the hottest destinations around the world. In recent years, Canada has been voted the […]